Quercus aff. miquihuanensis, seedling (planted in February 2024)


This species does not yet have a unique name. The botanist who discovered this species has yet to publish a scientific paper on it. The seedlings sold here are about 5-6 cm tall.

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    Quercus aff. miquihuanensis

    This species does not yet have a unique name. The botanist who discovered this species has yet to publish a scientific paper on it. Similar to Quercus miquihanensis. This would mean that it would be a species similar to the one found in Mexico.

    More info can be found here.

    The seedlings sold here are about 5-6 cm tall.

    Quercus aff. miquihuanensis
    Quercus aff. miquihuanensis

    Additional information


    10 acorns, 20 acorns, 30 acorns

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