Quercus gravesii (extremely rare)

Quercus gravesii is an extremely rare oak species from Mexico and the USA. The deciduous tree grows up to 13 meters high. The acorns come from an October 2024 collection from the south of France.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


Quercus gravesii is a rare North American oak species in the red oak section Quercus section Lobatae. It is found in Mexico and the United States. It is a deciduous tree up to 13 meters high.


The acorns come from an October 2024 collection from the south of France. The acorns are shipped in a bag with slightly moistened vermiculite. Please keep acorns and packaging material away from small children (risk of ingestion).



Additional information


10 acorns, 20 acorns, 5 acorns