Quercus heterophylla (oak with different leaves, Bartram’s oak), planted in February 2024


Quercus heterophylla (Variegated Oak, Bartram’s Oak) is originally from the USA (eastern range). It is a hybrid of Quercus robur and Quercus phellos. The seedlings sold here are about 6 cm tall.

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    Quercus heterophylla (Variegated Oak, Bartram’s Oak)

    Seedling, approx. 6 cm tall.

    Here you can find some information about this species: https://quercus.guru/quercus-heterophylla-verschiedenblaettige-eiche-bartrams-eiche/

    Quercus heterophylla does not like calcareous soils.

    Quercus heterophylla
    Quercus heterophylla

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    10 acorns, 20 acorns, 30 acorns

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