Quercus petraea (sessile oak) seedling, planted in February 2024


Quercus petraea (the Sessile Oak, also known as the Winter Oak) reaches growth heights of up to 40 meters and trunk girths of up to 2 meters. The seed originally comes from Spain.
Winter hardiness zone therefore: approx. 8-9

11 left in stock


    Quercus petraea (the Sessile Oak, also known as the Winter Oak) reaches growth heights of up to 40 meters and trunk girths of up to 2 meters. It can live up to 1000 years.

    It likes well-drained, slightly acidic soils. The seedlings are approx. 5 cm tall, based on acorns from a November 2023 collection from Spain. Winter hardiness zone therefore: approx. 8-9


    Information on this species can be found here; https://quercus.guru/quercus-petrae/

    Quercus petraea
    Quercus petraea

    Additional information


    10 acorns, 20 acorns, 30 acorns

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