Quercus dentata (Japanese Imperial Oak)
Quercus dentata can reach a height of up to 30 meters. The leaves can reach a length of up to 50 (!) cm. The underside of the leaves is slightly persistent. The distribution area is in Japan and Korea as well as in parts of China and Russia.
The oaks bear acorns at a young age. The leaves turn yellow in the fall.
Quercus dentata tolerates wet soils and is very resistant to cold. It also tolerates road salt well. It likes dry, acidic to slightly alkaline, sandy-humic soils in sunny locations.
See also: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanische_Kaiser-Eiche
Quercus dentata is a classic specimen tree. From time to time it can be seen as a park tree in Central Peru.
The acorns reach sizes up to 2 cm.
Here you can find the page in our store: https://quercus.guru/produkt/quercus-dentata-japanische-kaisereiche/