10.10.2024: First acorns of the new season are expected
The first acorns of the 2024 season are expected shortly from arboretums/collectors in France and Bulgaria. please subscribe to the newsletter for more information: https://quercus.guru/newsletter/.
Dear people,
The time for acorn deliveries in 2024 is beginning very slowly.
Came in today: Quercus hartwissiana.
Expected in the next 3 weeks:
Quercus acerifolia
Quercus crassipes
Quercus eduardi
Quercus aff. galeanensis
Quercus x heterophylla
Quercus hirtifolia
Quercus mexicana
Many more species will follow in late fall/winter
Among them will (hopefully) be some real surprises, really great and rare acorns.
In addition, many species from Southern Europe and North Africa.
Quercus canariensis
Quercus infectoria subsp. veneris
Quercus alnifolia
Quercus ithaburensis
From around January/February 2025, for example, from the USA
Quercus kelloggii
Quercus wislizeni
Quercus chrysolepi
Quercus tomentella
Quercus macrocarpa (big)
Hopefully too:
Quercus buckleyii
Quercus comptonae
Quercus falcata
Quercus hemisphaerica
Quercus imbricaria
Quercus laurifolia
Quercus laevis
Quercus lyrata
Quercus margaretta
Quercus marilandica
Quercus muehlenbergii
Quercus nuttallii
Quercus obtusa
Quercus polymorha
Quercus prinus
Quercus prinoides
Quercus shumardii
Quercus stellata
Quercus texana
Quercus velutina
Quercus virginiana
Quercus virginiana fusiformis
…and perhaps a few more surprises (acorns).
Take a look at our store soon: https://quercus.guru/shop/
Planting oak trees is a wonderful hobby. It’s a joy to see the little acorns sprout, to accompany the tender little plants, to nurture and care for them. One day they will grow up and grow old. They will outlive us and we will be able to leave something meaningful to the world.
Several oak species can live for well over 500 years, they provide food for many wild animals, they cool the environment, they can contribute to combating global warming. They provide life and can accompany us for a lifetime.
There is a lot to consider. The quality of the seed, the soil, the method of planting, liming, acidification, protection against too much water (or too little). It is a wonderful task to create and do something for the environment.