Acorns Climate Warming Resistant Unkategorisiert
16.06.2024: Mexican oak species

Mexican oak species

The work at the oak nursery is wonderful. It is grounding (in the truest sense of the word), it decelerates, and it is an absolute privilege to “work” with oak species, some of which have become very rare, and which sometimes only exist in small
corners of the world. Fortunately, there are many, many collectors all over the world, and we use the proceeds to finance part of our animal and species protection measures.
In the pictures you can see many Mexican oak species. The leaves look very different from those of oaks, but they are still Quercus specimens. Here you can see, for example: Quercus depressa, Quercus jolonensis (USA), Quercus hypoxantha, Quercus douglasii (USA), Quercus hypoleucoides, Quercus aff. miqhuihuanensis, Quercus sinuata var breviloba.

Animal company

You always have a lot of company when working at the oak breeding station. The storks rattle and rumble, it won’t be long before the two young storks fly out.
Right next to the oak station is our infirmary for our poultry. We currently have some ducks and chickens (along with their husbands/wives) here due to various fox attacks. Some were seriously injured and are treated 2 to 3 times a day.
They are slowly recovering and will fortunately survive the fox attacks.
Ducks in particular are very social animals (similar to geese),
that their partners need in everyday life, which is why they are treated here as a group. Two young ducks hatched by a wild duck are very funny (and fortunately unharmed).
One of the ducks appears to be a hybrid between a dwarf duck and a wild duck. The two tiny creatures do everything together and entertained me very well during the oak treatment today 🙂

Unfortunately, the foxes have taken various animals from the forest (the place is teeming with fox dens). Unfortunately, that’s part of it. It is impossible to completely fence off the 4 hectares of grace farm land from foxes and the puppies are also hungry.
Next to the infirmary (hermetically fenced) and the oak ward are some flowering meadows that we have planted. The meadow daisy is currently in bloom, as are St. John’s wort, meadow knapweed and meadow bedstraw.
Sheep and goats graze there on separate areas in the sense of staggered mowing. After mowing, they move on to other areas. On the claws and in the fur: seeds. In this way, they played cab for biodiversity.
And this is also wonderfully relaxing and alleviates the everyday hassle of “normal work” in the office.

Promoting diversity

Ok, Mexican oak species are not necessarily a benefit for the native fauna, but it still makes sense to preserve, nurture and care for these species too. Just like many other oak species from all over the world.

Quercus greggii
Quercus greggii
Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
15.6.2024: Our little oak tree nursery

The seed remaining after the winter was grown in our small breeding station (oak nursery) under completely different soil conditions.
Sometimes lime gravel is used, sometimes one-year-old worm humus, horse manure that has been stored for a very long time and coffee residues (for an acidic soil).

The result is pretty good, even if not everything worked (we learn something new every year).
Small quantities of seedlings can also be sold on request at However, growth is not guaranteed, as summer is considered a sub-optimal season.
Time for transplanting oak seedlings (unless: The transplanter constantly takes good care of the tree (watering, shading, optimal soil and living conditions).
However, it is not always easy in the first 2-3 years. For oak species, spring (until mid-April) or fall (until the beginning of November) are the best times for repotting.
The situation is of course different for permanent green species from (almost) tropical regions.

Some of the saplings in the oak nursery (including some very rare species, especially from Mexico) are currently just 2-3 centimeters high.
An insider tip: After the seedlings arrive by post, shorten the tiny fine roots by a few millimeters using a scalpel or very sharp scissors. We have had good experiences with this trick here.

On request, photos of individual species will of course be sent separately in advance.
Small quantities of substrates are also sent free of charge for the first 2 years during transportation.
Small quantities are currently distributed by:
Quercus douglasii, Quercus dentata, ….crassipes, hypoxantha, depressa, greggi, hypoleucoides, aff. miqhuihuanensis, sinuata var breviloba, hirtifolia, saltillensis,
heterophilla, ellipsoidalis, faginea, ithaburensis, cerris, jolonensis, wutaishanica, lobata, dentata, cerris, suber….

The small sprouts are sold at prices ranging from 2 to 8 euros per seedling (depending on species, severity of cultivation, severity of finding, import, etc.).

It is also currently time to organize new seeds. A Herculean task, but also a lot of fun.
We are currently working hard to organize rare oak species from Armenia, for example, as well as a species from Mallorca that only occurs regionally and various species from Asia. The customs regulations in particular are sometimes a horror.
A lot of time is currently being invested in organizing clean, good seed of Quercus tomentella and Quercus pontica. Sometimes private collectors can be found on Facebook & Co. who go on the hunt in the fall for a fee.

Below are many many pictures. Some oak leaves have traces of stork dung. 2 stork chicks in the eyrie above the small tree nursery have made it and will hopefully fly off to a long life in the next few days 🙂

See also:

Buying acorns internationally

Buying acorns internationally. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to global warming. Many climate trees. E.g. seeds of plane trees, pines, cypresses and more…

Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
6.4.2024: Growing more climate trees

Lots of whirling in the “climate protection garden”. Trees are grown from seeds here. Buying acorns internationally. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to global warming. Many climate trees. E.g. seeds of plane trees, pines, cypresses and more..

It is currently mid-season and sales will not start again until the fall. Today, for example, Castanea Sativa (sweet chestnut), cork oaks (Quercus suber) and sessile oaks are planted. It’s a lot of fun, and the species will survive even 1.5 degrees.

City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
3.2.2024: Cedrus libani (Cedar of Lebanon)

Cedrus Libani (Lebanon cedar) is highly resistant to global warming. It can grow to be over 1000 years old and up to 50 meters high.

The Lebanon cedar grows along the Mediterranean coast, in Lebanon and in parts of Anatolia. In Europe, the tree is predicted to have a golden future due to global warming.


Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
29.1.24: Pinus bungeana (Temple Pine)

Pinus bungeana (temple pine) is originally from China and Korea.

It grows as an evergreen tree and reaches heights of up to 25 meters. The trunk can have a diameter of up to 3 meters. Pinus bungeana likes limestone but also acidic soils. It often grows in the mountains.

In the store:

Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
Acacia cyanophylla (willow leaf acacia)

Acacia cyanophylla (willow leaf acacia) is found particularly in North Africa but also in Australia. The growth height is (usually) 2-6 meters.
It prefers deep, sandy soil in damp areas.
The willow leaf acacia lives symbiotically with nodule bacteria (Rhizobiaceae) and can thus bind nitrogen from the air. It can conquer new habitats very quickly, as the young plants grow extremely fast.

More info:
