27.7.2024: Oak species from California

Acorns and oak species from California

The first species for this year have been selected. In winter 2024, oak species come from California (in the form of acorns). E.g. Quercus lobata (Californian white oak), Quercus x jolonensis and Quercus douglasii (blue oak). This year also: Quercus kellogii (California black oak), Quercus wislizeni and Quercus chrysolepis (canyon oak). After a long, long search I finally managed to find someone who sends acorns of Quercus tomentella from California, but only a very limited number (100 pieces). Oak species from California are special because they are very well adapted to a warming climate. Quercus tomentella is a rarity that is difficult to obtain (see https://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Quercus_tomentella). This species originally only occurs on the Channel Islands off California and on “Guadelaupe Island”. This species is highly endangered. It forms hybrids with Querrcus chrysolepis. Quercus tomentella is also known as the island oak. The acorns will probably arrive here at the end of February/March 2025. Quercus kellogii can reach heights of up to 35 meters.
It can be found as far as the border with Mexico.
It grows on slopes at altitudes between 300 and 2400 meters.
It prefers drier soils.