Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Oaks Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
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City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
26.11.: Climate trees: Obtaining first-class seeds

Climate trees: first-class seeds for sale

Many interesting climarobust species have been supplied. For example Ostrya carpinifolia, the European hop hornbeam. It thrives in large parts of the Mediterranean region, from Provence to Greece. The almond tree (Prunus dulcis) is of course also interesting and a real eye-catcher. Who doesn’t dream of it? To have a beautifully flowering almond tree in your garden (as a potted plant) in spring. Mediterranean flair in your own home. Or the olive (Olea europaea), which is usually found in Italy, Spain or Greece. The climate is changing rapidly. Of course, global warming is not good at all, but for the flora it means that many “climate trees” are now also migrating to Central Europe. And they are still guaranteed hot and dry summers.

Of course, there can still be freezing cold winters, so always bear the “hardiness zone” in mind when growing plants. Many species from hot regions are therefore better grown in pots that can be brought indoors in January, for example, if necessary. Something like this can look wonderful: A large terracotta pot and an almond tree, a caper bush or a chestnut tree in it. It creates the flair of a vacation in Tuscany, Sicily or southern Spain. And of course you are contributing to diversity.

Growing plants “from seed” is a great pleasure, and then there are the climatic trees 🙂 You look after the little seedlings, are happy when they get bigger, at some point they form the first buds, create the first shade growth…Wonderful.

Here is a brief overview

E.G. we now have: Pistachio tree (Pistacia vera)
Feijoa sellowiana (Brazilian guava)
Calycanthus floridus (true spice bush)
Cupressus arizonica (Arizonacypress)
Acacia dealbata (silver acacia)
Myrtus communis (myrtle)
Capparis spinosa (caper bush)
“Wild olive” (Olea europaea var oleaster)
Red horse chestnut (Aesculus carnea)
Black walnut (Juglans nigra)

Take a look at the store:

Climate trees: Ostrya carpinifolia
Climate trees: Ostrya carpinifolia
Climate trees: Olea europaea
Climate trees: Olea europaea
Climate trees: Prunus dulcis, Amygdalus communis L.
Climate trees: Prunus dulcis, Amygdalus communis L.
Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Oaks Unkategorisiert
6.11. 2024: Neu in unserem Shop

New in our store:
Quercus georgiana
Quercus alnifolia
Quercus infectoria subsp. veneris
Quercus senescens
Quercus mexicana x grahamii
Quercus acutissima
Quercus coccifera subs. calliprinos

City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Oaks Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
Growing tree species resistant to global warming

Tree species resistant to global warming

A wonderful hobby: growing tree species that are resistant to global warming. It’s fun, it calms you down, you have the feeling of “doing something”, of making a small contribution to resilience. One thing is certain: native species are extremely important for supporting biodiversity. Unfortunately, it is also fairly certain that many native species will have a hard time in 30 or 40 years, as we need species that are adapted to the heat.

Whenever there is a bit of time, we indulge in this lovely hobby in the evenings and repot seedlings grown from seed. Many, many tree seedlings have made it, and climate warming-resistant tree species are now growing. Many oak species (including native species such as Quercus petraea, the sessile oak) but also several species from global “hot zones”. Quercus douglasii, for example (the blue oak from California), or Quercus faginea (the Portuguese oak). Tree species that are resistant to global warming will also be of great service to us here, even if they are still unfamiliar.

And a classic “secret weapon”. Castanea sativa, the sweet chestnut. It can cope with extreme heat and drought and has already made itself at home in southern Germany. Available here in our store, for example.

Many plant species are protected with sheep’s wool. This retains moisture for a very long time. Even tree species that are resistant to global warming initially require strong protection. Clay balls and vermiculite (a layered silicate used to loosen the soil and store moisture) are used for this purpose. The joy is particularly great when initially weak seedlings gain a big boost due to a change in the soil. Clay balls and vermiculite, for example, ensure that the soil becomes more permeable to oxygen (here is an interesting article on vermiculite:, coffee powder and goat manure, for example, provide much-needed nutrients (depending on the tree species).

I’m really looking forward to it: In the fall and winter, lots of fresh seeds are coming in, from all over the world. Heat-resistant, hardy, drought-resistant, including many acorn and oak species.

Tree species resistant to global warming
Tree species resistant to global warming
Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Oaks Unkategorisiert
27.7.2024: Oak species from California

Acorns and oak species from California

The first species for this year have been selected. In winter 2024, oak species come from California (in the form of acorns). E.g. Quercus lobata (Californian white oak), Quercus x jolonensis and Quercus douglasii (blue oak). This year also: Quercus kellogii (California black oak), Quercus wislizeni and Quercus chrysolepis (canyon oak). After a long, long search I finally managed to find someone who sends acorns of Quercus tomentella from California, but only a very limited number (100 pieces). Oak species from California are special because they are very well adapted to a warming climate. Quercus tomentella is a rarity that is difficult to obtain (see https://en.wikipe This species originally only occurs on the Channel Islands off California and on “Guadelaupe Island”. This species is highly endangered. It forms hybrids with Querrcus chrysolepis. Quercus tomentella is also known as the island oak. The acorns will probably arrive here at the end of February/March 2025. Quercus kellogii can reach heights of up to 35 meters.
It can be found as far as the border with Mexico.
It grows on slopes at altitudes between 300 and 2400 meters.
It prefers drier soils.

Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
6.4.2024: Growing more climate trees

Lots of whirling in the “climate protection garden”. Trees are grown from seeds here. Buying acorns internationally. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to global warming. Many climate trees. E.g. seeds of plane trees, pines, cypresses and more..

It is currently mid-season and sales will not start again until the fall. Today, for example, Castanea Sativa (sweet chestnut), cork oaks (Quercus suber) and sessile oaks are planted. It’s a lot of fun, and the species will survive even 1.5 degrees.

Acorns City climate suitable
8.2.2024: Quercus palustris (swamp oak)

Quercus palustris (swamp oak) is a deciduous tree. In rare cases, it can grow up to 35 meters high. It is relatively short-lived and “only” lives to around 200 years (maximum).

It is originally native to eastern North America. As the name suggests, it can easily withstand several weeks of flooding. Its wood is often used for railroad tracks. Outside North America, the wood is rarely processed industrially due to its limited availability and very low distribution in the forestry industry. In Europe it is sometimes found in parks.


City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks)
3.2.2024: Cedrus libani (Cedar of Lebanon)

Cedrus Libani (Lebanon cedar) is highly resistant to global warming. It can grow to be over 1000 years old and up to 50 meters high.

The Lebanon cedar grows along the Mediterranean coast, in Lebanon and in parts of Anatolia. In Europe, the tree is predicted to have a golden future due to global warming.


Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Unkategorisiert
Quercus pubescens (downy oak)

Quercus pubescens (downy oak) occurs from southern Europe through southern central and western Europe to western and central Asia Minor. It can grow up to 25 meters high. Their maximum age is 500 years. It is considered to be very resistant to global warming and tolerates moderate night frosts.

More info:


City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut, sweet chestnut)

Castanea sativa is a classic winner of the climate crisis. A positive future is predicted for the sweet chestnut. It is the only European representative of the chestnut genus.

It is cultivated in southern and western Europe in particular for its edible fruit and wood. The fruits are also known as chestnuts. They have a high proportion of carbohydrates and starch. The protein content is higher than in cereals but lower than in potatoes.

Castanea sativa grows up to 35 meters high. The trunk circumference can be up to 4 meters. In Western Europe, sweet chestnuts can live for up to 1000 years.

The sweet chestnut is classically found in western France, southern Italy and Spain, but also in Ireland and Great Britain.


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