Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus coccifera (kermes oak)

Quercus coccifera is originally found in the Mediterranean region. It likes sunny and dry locations. The tree grows to a maximum height of 12 meters, and often only grows as a 3-meter shrub. The leaves are leathery and toothed.


Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Unkategorisiert
Quercus pubescens (downy oak)

Quercus pubescens (downy oak) occurs from southern Europe through southern central and western Europe to western and central Asia Minor. It can grow up to 25 meters high. Their maximum age is 500 years. It is considered to be very resistant to global warming and tolerates moderate night frosts.

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Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus suber (cork oak)

Quercus suber originates primarily from the western Mediterranean region. It is particularly widespread in Portugal, but can also be found in Algeria and Morocco. It is very drought-resistant, but not hardy in Central Europe.

A single tree can produce up to 200 kg of cork in its lifetime.

The cork oak is evergreen and grows up to 20 meters high. The leaves are leathery and have serrated edges.

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City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut, sweet chestnut)

Castanea sativa is a classic winner of the climate crisis. A positive future is predicted for the sweet chestnut. It is the only European representative of the chestnut genus.

It is cultivated in southern and western Europe in particular for its edible fruit and wood. The fruits are also known as chestnuts. They have a high proportion of carbohydrates and starch. The protein content is higher than in cereals but lower than in potatoes.

Castanea sativa grows up to 35 meters high. The trunk circumference can be up to 4 meters. In Western Europe, sweet chestnuts can live for up to 1000 years.

The sweet chestnut is classically found in western France, southern Italy and Spain, but also in Ireland and Great Britain.


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Quercus myrsinifolia (bamboo-leaved oak)

Quercus myrsinifolia originates from China and Japan. This type of oak grows relatively slowly.

The bamboo-leaved oak is considered the hardiest of all evergreen oaks. It grows to a height of around 6 to 8 meters. Leaves are elongated oval. This oak species likes fresh and nutrient-rich soils.

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Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus agrifolia (Californian holm oak)

Quercus agrifolia (Californian holm oak) only grows in a very small area in Mexico and California.

The leaves are olive green and have a few spines. The outer leaves are designed for maximum utilization of sunlight by forming two to three layers of photosynthetically active cells. The Californian holm oak can reach an age of up to 250 years. In the past, this beech plant was used for coal extraction and in shipbuilding. The species is undemanding and very drought-resistant. It can grow up to 30 meters high on deep soils.

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