Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus ithaburensis

November collection, freshly delivered from the Greek island of Kea.

Quercus ithaburensis (mountain tabor oak). The leaf is 6 to 12 cm long and has several large pointed teeth on the leaf edge. The acorns are strikingly large at up to 5 cm. This oak is found in southern Europe, as well as in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. The tree is very robust and does not tolerate paving, but is otherwise well suited as an urban tree. The species is frost-tolerant.

The ripe acorns are edible.

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The acorns are in stock in the store:

Climate Warming Resistant Other trees (except oaks) Unkategorisiert
Pinus mugo var. mughus

Pinus mugo var. mughus (krummholz pine, mountain pine).

Slow-growing, resistant to global warming. Shallow rooter. This plant is undemanding and tolerates lime. Hardy. Occurrence: Alps, mountains of the Balkans.

See also:


Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus virginiana (Virginia oak)

Quercus virginiana is also known as Virginia oak or live oak. This species is evergreen and can grow up to 35 meters high.
The Virginia oak is native to southeastern North America all the way down to Mexico. It is the symbol of the state of Georgia. The leaves sprout a beautiful shiny red and then turn green after a while. In Central Europe, this species tends to develop into a shrub or small tree. This species is NOT frost-proof. It likes humus-rich and deep soils.

See also:


Acorns City climate suitable Climate Warming Resistant Unkategorisiert
Quercus muehlenbergii (yellow oak)

The species is considered incredibly tough and adaptable. It can grow up to 45 meters high and has a very spreading crown. The foliage is somewhat reminiscent of chestnut leaves, which is why it is also called “Chestnut Oak”.

The distribution area extends from Ontario in Canada across the east and center of the USA to northern and southern Mexico.
The species grows at an altitude of 0 to 2300 meters in species-rich forests on nutrient-rich, moderately dry to fresh, slightly acidic to alkaline soils in sunny to light-shaded locations. The species is thermophilic and mostly frost-hardy. It avoids sandy and clayey soils but is often found in cities.

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Acorns Climate Warming Resistant
Quercus canbyi

Quercus canbyi originates from the south of North America and Mexico. This species is considered semi-evergreen and grows up to 25 meters high.

The leaves have several serrations and grow up to 20 cm long. The species occurs in Texas and northeastern Mexico.

Further information:

Here in the store:

10.11.2023 Quercus acutissima is here :-)

It took a while, but it worked. October harvest 2023 of Quercus acutissima (Japanese chestnut oak, sawn oak, silkworm oak). At last!

This tree grows up to 30 meters high. The leaves, which can grow up to 20 cm long, are striking. This type of oak originates from Japan, China and Korea. Quercus acutissima is now also cultivated in the USA. This species is very rarely found in aroboretums in Central Europe. The tree grows very quickly and is considered to be very temperature tolerant. This oak species prefers to grow on slightly acidic, humus-rich soils.

Further information:

You can find it in the store here: