Buy acorns internationally. Buy oaks. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to climate warming. Lots of climate trees.
Buy acorns internationally. Buy oaks. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to climate warming. Lots of climate trees.
Quercus sinuata var. breviloba is found in the south of the USA and north of Mexico. This species is also known as “Bigelow’s Oak”. This species grows to a height of about 12 meters. and is considered to be extremely resistant to global warming.
Quercus faginea (Portuguese oak, Zen oak) can reach growth heights of up to 20 meters and trunk diameters of up to 80 cm. The maximum age is 600 years.
Pollination of this species of oak is carried out by the wind. Quercus faginae is often found in Portugal, Spain as well as northwestern Africa. It also grows very frequently in the Balearic Islands.
The wood is often used as firewood or tree wood. The acorns are popular in the Iberian Peninsula for fattening pigs.
It is interesting that the leaves change color after the growing season, but do not fall off the tree. This happens only when the leaves sprout in the following year.
Quercus faginea likes calcareous soils. They often grow together in communities with cork oak, Pyrenean oak and holm oak. It is resistant to the climatic stresses of cold, drought and thermal contrasts.
Quercus pyrenaica (Pyrenean Oak) is found especially in western southern Europe. It is common in Spain and Portugal. They can also be seen regularly in western France and Morocco.
Although it is called “Pyrenean Oak” it is rarely found in the Pyrenees.
It often grows in shrub form, but can also reach heights of up to 20 meters.
The very large leaves (up to 15 cm long and 9 cm wide) are striking. The leaves have yellow-gray felt-like hairs on both sides.
Dryness she tolerates very well. It also feels quite comfortable on acidic soils. Lime likes them very much. It also accepts sandy soils. It is resistant to frost and also tolerates road salt. Their wind resistance is also good. Since it does not tolerate paving, it is conditionally suitable as an urban tree. However, their resistance to pollutants is quite good. In Central Europe they are always found in parks or arboretums. It also tolerates wetness.
The southern European flair that it exudes is impressive. People who love vacations in Portugal or Spain, appreciate this tree very much. It likes locations flooded with light.
Quercus ilex (holm oak) is an evergreen tree. It reaches a height of growth up to 20 meters. Maximum it can live up to 500 years.
The leaves are partly leathery and spiny. A little they remind of the leaves of holly.
In the Mediterranean region, the holm oak is a classic. It occurs from Portugal to Turkey, from Tunisia to Morocco. Due to climate warming, it is given good chances also in Central Europe. In Germany, it now occurs sporadically in the Rhine rift valley and in the Weser-Ems region. Occurrences are also known in California and in South America and even in Great Britain.
Very interesting: the acorns can be eaten raw or cooked. Something that otherwise (roasted) is known only from the bourbon oak. The taste can be sweetish but also somewhat bitter. Often the acorns are made into a coffee substitute or oil. Especially the acorn coffee is highly recommended! In the case of other oak species, bitter substances must first be flushed out by elaborate processes before they can become a flour substitute in parts.
The stone acorns are also often used for fattening pigs. The wood represents a very good firewood.
Important: Drought and high temperatures are not a problem for this species of oak (when grown tall). Young plants must necessarily be watered during drought. The plant tolerates short temperatures down to minus 15 degrees Celsius, but prolonged sub-zero temperatures severely damage the tree. The tree is wind tolerant. Quercus ilex likes loose, stony or gravelly soil with clay content. A high lime content is also interesting for this species.
Interestingly: Despite its occurrence in the Mediterranean region, the holm oak loves moisture and therefore likes to stand by ponds or watercourses. Since the holm oak is rather sensitive to exhaust fumes and smoke, it is unsuitable as an urban tree. Road salt, however, she tolerates quite well.
In Central Europe, the holm oak is classically grown as a potted plant, which can also move to warmer areas of the house.
Quercus x andegavensis (Pyrenean Oak Karlsaue) is a cross between Quercus pyrenaica and Quercus robur. The variety “Karlsaue” comes from the Karlsaue Palace Park in Kassel.
It is considered to be moisture tolerant and (currently) suitable for urban climates. The tree can grow up to 30 meters high.
Please note: Some of the acorns sold/sown here originally come from arboretums (distributed worldwide). Arboretum acorns have a higher probability of hybridization occurring.
However, we do not carry out any genetic analyses. 100% species safety cannot be guaranteed in this shop. Dismiss
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