Buy acorns internationally. Buy oaks. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to climate warming. Lots of climate trees.
Buy acorns internationally. Buy oaks. Special oaks, acorns and other seeds for collectors and plant enthusiasts. Many species resistant to climate warming. Lots of climate trees.
Quercus rubra Aurea: This tree grows up to 15 meters high. The crown is very spreading and can reach a width of up to 9 meters. The leaves are broad-oval and pointed.
Already in the summer the leaf color turns greenish-yellow. From October, Quercus rubra Aurea stands for the “Indian Summer”. The leaves bloom in the most magnificent shades of orange to scarlet, attracting all eyes.
Overall, this tree is quite unpretentious and is often used as an urban tree. It likes sunny places but also semi-shade. Quercus rubra Aurea is frost hardy and tolerates road salt. Concrete sealing or paving, however, she does not like. It is easily transplanted and disease resistant.
Quercus dentata can reach a height of up to 30 meters. The leaves can reach a length of up to 50 (!) cm. The underside of the leaves is slightly persistent. The distribution area is in Japan and Korea as well as in parts of China and Russia.
The oaks bear acorns at a young age. The leaves turn yellow in the fall.
Quercus dentata tolerates wet soils and is very resistant to cold. It also tolerates road salt well. It likes dry, acidic to slightly alkaline, sandy-humic soils in sunny locations.
Acorn case – Rare and international oak species The special gift for oak and tree lovers
With this acorn case you get a special (and above all rare!) Gift for tree lovers. All acorns were collected (in different places in this world) in September and October 2023. The acorns are currently stored in a cool, low-light place in a slightly moistened soil mixture.
In this case there are 5 acorns each from: * Quercus acerifolia, maple-leaved oak (very rare). Home: Arkansas, USA * Quercus petraea, sessile oak. Home: Central Europe
* Quercus saltillensis (very rare). Home country: Mexico * Quercus illicifolia (scrub oak). Home: Northeastern USA.
* Quercus parvia (Santa Cruz Island Oak). Home: California, USA. * Quercus heterophylla (Bartram’s oak). Home: Eastern USA
* Quercus cerris (wrench oak). Home: South of France * Quercus depressa (Low Oak) (rare). Homeland: Mexico.
* Quercus robur (English oak). Home: Central Europe * Quercus rubra (red oak). Home country: USA
Total quantity: 50 acorns.
Of course, the acorns are not added to the case “naked” but in small bags with a moistened earth mixture (to survive the transport well).
Attention: in order for different acorns to germinate next year, it is important to treat them appropriately. Quercus acerifolia, Quercus illicifolia, Quercus heterophylla, Quercus cerris, Quercus robur and Quercus rubra should be stored in the refrigerator in a slightly moistened soil mixture for a few weeks, if possible (please keep checking to see if they germinate and then transplant directly).
Quercus petraea, Quercus saltillensis, Quercus parvia, Quercus depressa may start to germinate already this year (please store in soil mixture).
Please plant Quercus saltillensis, Quercus parvia and Quercus depressa protected from frost.
Quercus acerifolia is one of the very rare oak species and is critically endangered in its native Arkansas (USA). It belongs to the group of red oaks. The tree grows 5 to 10 meters high, rarely 15.
The leaves take on a fireplace red color in the fall, gorgeous to look at. It likes sunny exposed sites. Quercus acerifolia is hardy and at the same time climate warming resistant. It prefers dry and calcareous soils.
Quercus parvula (Santa Cruz Island oak) is found primarily on the north slopes of Santa Cruz Island and in the California coastal mountains. It is considered an endemic California species and has year-round foliage. It does not tolerate waterlogging and is only partially sensitive to frost.
Platanus orientalis is found especially in southern Europe (Sicily, Greece). In general, their range is huge. It is found in the Middle East, Central Asia and even in the Himalayan region.
It reaches growth heights of up to 30 meters and is often used as a street tree. The trunk can become so extensive that in the Middle East even rooms are built into it. The crown of the tree can become very sprawling.
The flowering period is in May. Pollination occurs through the wind.
Oriental plane trees can excellently cope with heat and drought. They do not tolerate waterlogging of any kind. Platanus orientalis likes full sun and is a classic light tree. It is considered sufficiently frost-hardy and can therefore thrive in Central Europe. Genrell it is also considered a very wind-resistant tree. See also:
The wood of the oriental plane tree is considered to be vulnerable outdoors and is therefore more commonly used indoors.
Meanwhile, the Ortientplatane is increasingly used in non-native forests due to its climate resistance. The flaking bark provides shelter for many insects. It also protects other trees with its storm resistance. Due to its spreading branches, it provides shade for soils and prevents them from drying out.
It copes with almost all soils.
Probably the most famous Oriental plane tree is the “plane tree of Hippocrates” on the Greek island of Kos. According to legend, it was planted by Hippocrates himself. Later he taught his students under the tree. However, the plane tree should be “only” about 500 years old. It has been a natural monument since 1985.
For germination of seeds is recommended to first put them in a water bath for 24 hours. Then they go into a damp (not wet, not dripping) mixture of earth and sand. Optimal is to cool this 90 (!!) days, if necessary, they can be placed outside for a few nights (in frost). It is recommended to always check if they germinate. After the procedure: In the spring, put in plant pots and grow in a sunny place. However, be careful: young seedlings need slightly shady places in midsummer.
Quercus cerris grows up to 200 years old and reaches heights of up to 35 meters. The trunk grows up to 2 meters thick.
The acorns ripen relatively early (September to October) and grow up to 3 cm long. They usually sit in a spiny cupule. Originally they are found in southern France, southeastern Europe (e.g. Albania, Bulgaria) and Italy. Through artificial plantings also exist many specimens in England, New Zealand and Argentina. In Central Europe, this tree species is a common park tree. In southern Europe it is one of the most common forest trees.
The leaves are dark green in summer and turn yellowish or reddish in autumn. It is considered to be resistant to urban climates. The flowers of the cercia are green-red. The flowering period is from April to May. As a deciduous tree, it loses its leaves in winter.
As a site, this oak species prefers warm and nutrient-rich soils. It grows on both calcareous and acidic silicate rock. Nevertheless, the distorting oak likes it best alkaline. The more calcareous the soil substrate, the better it tolerates drought.However, dry sandy soils are an exclusion criterion. The wood is very suitable for building (e.g. for railroad sleepers) or also as firewood. The acorns are often used as pig feed. The juice that comes out after bark injury can be made into syrup and used as a sugar substitute. Quercus cerris is very robust against wind and heat. Even air pollution and road salt do not seem to bother her. It is also quite resistant to pests. Oak processionary moth or oak splitting beetle have it with this plantheavy.
When young, Quercus cerris grows up to 30 cm per year.
In the current “temperate” zones, the cedar is considered the tree of the future against global warming. It tolerates two to three months of summer drought. Very well it can be grown as a pot plant (in very deep pots), moreover, it is very frost hardy. It tolerates temperatures down to – 20 degrees.
This species does not yet have a unique name. The botanist who discovered this species has yet to publish a scientific paper on it. Similar to Quercus miquihanensis. This would mean that it would be a species similar to the one found in Mexico.
The acorns come from a harvest of September 2023 in the south of France.
Please note: Some of the acorns sold/sown here originally come from arboretums (distributed worldwide). Arboretum acorns have a higher probability of hybridization occurring.
However, we do not carry out any genetic analyses. 100% species safety cannot be guaranteed in this shop. Dismiss
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